Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fergie Likes Her Meth, Her Meth, Her Meth, Her Meth

I always had a feeling FERGIE had a weakness for the pipe, and now she's confessing in Time magazine she was pimp-slapped by crystal meth! "It was the hardest boyfriend I ever had to break up with," she tells the magazine. "I dug deep as to why I got there. It's the drug that's addicting. But it's why you start doing it in the first place that's interesting. A lot of it was being a child actor; I learned to suppress feelings." In case you were wondering, Fergie is really STACY FERGUSON, star of the goofy song and dance show "Kids Incorporated" from 1984-'89. Yes, the show was so bad it made "Full House" look like "the Sopranos," but could it really drive you to the meth???


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